Saturday, July 14, 2007

choosing the right colour..

went to nagoya today in an attempt to buy kain for my konvo+raya baju..
adoi aih..
i truly sux la in this area..
if i buy things that are beautiful from my view,
mak will said that it's not THAT beautiful..
so, i rather go tomorrow with her larr..
after all, i can't decide which colour i want to wear..
i am so not gud at this shopping mopping..

erm, finished the 1st modul for degree today..
they said, my university is the only public U in the country yang ader such modul..
i just can't see how forcing people to go to ceramah somehow helped them developing some kind of public speaking expertise..
i mean, it is a gud thing that they are doing these modul to help their student..
but, with FORCE??
it's the thing of the heart wat..

erm, have some fun mase LDK today..
i never know plak i cud be that cheerful+bubbly with the people i'm not closed to..
i guess..
u just have to adapt to the surrounding la kan..


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