my not so gud momentS..
well, did my bel presentation today..
i got stopped 4 times..!!!
before i can actually procedes to the real thing..
apparently, i can only gave so gud of the example on how a gud presentation shud not be like..
erk, does tat come across right?
the story is like tis larr..
i said something... WRONG!!!!!!!
than i said something else.. WRONGGGG AGAINNNN!!!
and that goes on like 4 times...
by the 4th time, i've almost given up..
but the presentation went smooth after that..
since i'm opposing the the controversial issue,
seems that all those "stopping" help me in my presentation..
my frustration somehow build up inside me and i just let it flow..
i almost cry when i told the audience why "sex selection in babies should not be performed!!"
emosi btol!!
after that,
got this crazy 'menyalin' kelas..
i am basically pissed off by those people that takes everything like a game jer..
when it got to do with your grades!!!
my tests sux..
basically most of them sux!!
i've never work this hard and not obtaining the result i don't expect (in a bad way) during diploma..
i've work so hard, and i got cukup makan (untuk lulus) result.. 25/50...
I AM SUX!!!!!