Thursday, July 31, 2008

baD daY?? (or is it?)

woke up this morning feeling all pissed off for reasons i couldn't even figured out..
it's past noon and i still couldn't figure it out..
today sux!!
tomorrow got the forensic sc first test..
so, i bet tomorrow will sux as well..

i felt lousy, somewhat useless..

i'm blogging from uitm, in front of the menara cafe, don't ask me why..
there's 40 more minutes to go before toxicology class and i don't even feel like smiling, what else go and find companion..
this time, i'm totally fine on my own..
the possibility of me snapping out is very, very high..
so, i rather be alone today at this moment..

can i skip the toxicology class?
can i?
i don't feel like listening to 2 hours of lecture..
it'll kills me..
it'll eat me from inside..
and there'll be nothing left of me..

so, this coming saturday is the forsis dinner and i am expected to give a 20-mins speech.. a 20 mins speech????
i don't even know how.. or what to say..

and the next day, sunday it is,
we are going to berguling2 di dataran merdeka..

Monday, July 28, 2008

LOng OvErdUe~

someone ask me why i've no longer post anything in the blog..
which comes as a pleasant surprise, someone actually read my blog..

i guess, it's not that i'm busy or anything..
i am simply, well just simply..
very, very lazy..
too lazy in fact that i wish i could sleep for an entire day..
no, maybe for an entire week..

i had my last day at that u-noe-wat fastfood joint,
and nothing.. well, nothing happens..
i just went off like i'll come back this weekend..
i'm gonna miss kak farha though..
or anyone that have been noce enuff to me in the short period of 2 months.
for those people who thinks i'm not worth it even to talk nicely to,
then, it's ur loss bebeh..
now you'll miss me, the one you thought is worthless..

i wonder what it is about people that makes them judge people so easily..
and i wonder what it is about those that have been judge and try so damn hard to nice..
well, i want to say that i belong to the latter category,
but, maybe.. just maybe, i am one of those that judge too..

and i have no idea why people just won't cooperate..
what is it about them, what is it that lives inside them that makes them believe that they can make it ALONE, BY THEMSELVES without undergoing the process or cooperating or giving-and-taking...

what goes around comes around,
i've never wanted to be mean or plotting vengeance, coz i'm definitely not thought like that by my parents..
but, if these people (whoever that is, if u knew, than good, if u don't, it's for me to know, and for u to find out) aren't going to cooperate when it's my time, then i guess when it is their time, i won't give a damn cooperation either...
bless their rebellious soul but hell no!! next time u r in this position, u'll suffer..

i guess i'm not a good of a leader myself..
though i want to lead by experience, i practically have none..
and when i want to lead by logic and brain thought, my heart always influence me..
so what makes me a good leader?
my people..
i have amazing people working with me and for that i am thankful..
i'm learning in every step of the way..
and i'm glad that i have these people with me..
i could not ask for anything better..

wow, this is an amazingly long entry..
amazing.. did i say its amazing??
it is..

Sunday, July 27, 2008

thE wOrLd peOpLE.. thE wOrLd~

must be at work in less than half an hour..
it's my last day..
demo, i'm too lazy..

took this cool tarot card quiz..
and i am..

You are the World

Completion, Good Reward.

The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, and as such represents saturnian energies, time, and completion.

The World card pictures a dancer in a Yoni (sometimes made of laurel leaves). The Yoni symbolizes the great Mother, the cervix through which everything is born, and also the doorway to the next life after death. It is indicative of a complete circle. Everything is finally coming together, successfully and at last. You will get that Ph.D. you've been working for years to complete, graduate at long last, marry after a long engagement, or finish that huge project. This card is not for little ends, but for big ones, important ones, ones that come with well earned cheers and acknowledgements. Your hard work, knowledge, wisdom, patience, etc, will absolutely pay-off; you've done everything right.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

have i done everything right?
i don't think so..
i'm torned!!